
Boozy interviews every Tuesday with diverse people whose fascinating, winding career paths opened them to unimaginable joy when they chose passion over pension. We drink wine and see if I get wiser about what I want to be when I grow up!

grab a glass & fill it up

Loose lips might sink ships, but they can also tell quite the story.

Lauren Howard has found a way to be motivated without a ton of pressure from her family. While her immigrant grandparents had some traditional views about women’s roles, her progressive dad let her know that SHE would be the man who would provide for her. 

Quentin R. Jiles wanted to be famous when he was a kid. Even without knowing how to get there, he saw fame on the horizon.  A natural in performer with a stature and voice that commands attention, fame was waiting for him, too.  But it would have to wait as he pursued a stable career in social work. 

With a background in neuroscience and over 10 years of corporate healthcare and biotech careers, Geleen Antonio realized she was depressed and unfulfilled. She courageously left it all behind, to live out of a suitcase and travel the world.  Now, she is on a mission to empower women to transform themselves and live lives they are genuinely excited about!

Elky “No, It’s Not Short for Anything” Ramirez grew up alternating between the United States and Costa Rica, which left her feeling both grateful and angry.  Grateful that she acquired native English language skills, which opened up a wide range of career opportunities for her. Angry about the salary discrepancies between the two countries.

Bethshiva Lester has always been a little different. A little curious. A little adventurous.  Having a successful career as a network engineer was fine, but she was drawn to Jamaica where some of her family’s roots could be traced.  The Afro-Costa Rican traveler returned from that visit changed.  She resigned from her engineering career to launch a travel agency.  

Amos Morris’ parents earned master’s degrees at a time when that accomplishment was considered exceptional, so he is keenly aware of the powerful influence of “firsts”.   In a career spanning more than 30 years across 7 zoos in the United States

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At Wise And Wine, I specialize in connecting guests with podcast hosts. My network includes thousands of podcasts covering every topic imaginable, from business and entrepreneurship to health and wellness, and everything in between.

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